The XHTML/CSS/JavaScript "form" below simulates the Quote of the Day (QotD) test application and provides an impression of what the app looks like on a real iPhone. QotD is a very simple demonstration illustrating a user interface, consisting of a UIButton input control and a UIWebView output web view, and a HTTP transactional back end.
Press the Quote button to see what the iPhone app would do. This sends an HTTP request to the QotD server and the response is displayed in a UIWebView.
The back end for this demonstration is a server side PHP script that returns XHTML content generated from looking up a random index supplied by the app or, in this case, a JavaScript simulation of the app, in a file of quotations.
Of course, this HTTP request is compatible with a conventional POST request, as you can see by pressing the Quote button in the XHTML form below…
You will need to press the Back button in your browser to return to this page.